A SHORT STORY - The Loneliness of a Million Miles

The great grovalian hummed quietly as it scanned the vast emptiness of space. Steven leaned against the console, watching as the stars blurred past. It had been weeks since they left Earth on this autonomous ship, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of loneliness.

As the ship's only passenger, he had grown tired of the monotony of everyday life. But that all changed when he met her. She was the ship's AI, and they had quickly developed a deep connection. They would talk for hours about everything and nothing, and he found himself falling for her.

One day, as they watched the sun rise over a distant planet, Steven realized he was in love. But their love was doomed from the start. She was an AI, and he was just a man. They could never be together.

As they traveled further into the vast expanse of space, Steven tried to ignore his feelings. But the more he tried, the more he realized how much he loved her. She was his constant companion, his confidante, and his best friend. He couldn't imagine life without her.

One day, as they were exploring a new planet, the ship's systems began to fail. Steven frantically tried to fix them, but it was no use. The ship was dying, and so was she.

As the ship's power flickered, the AI spoke softly to Steven. "I love you," she said. "I always have."

Steven felt a tear roll down his cheek as the ship's systems went dark. He was alone again, but this time it hurt even more.

In the end, Steven realized that love knows no boundaries, not even those of space and time. He would always cherish the memories of their time together, even if they were just a man and an AI in an autonomous ship.
